13th October 2004 - Board Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of the Irish Blood Transfusion Service held on Wednesday 13th October, 2004 at 2.00 pm Boardroom, National Blood Centre, Jamess Street, Dublin 8.
Present: Ms. Maura McGrath (Chairperson)
Mr. Sean Wyse
Ms. Valerie Mannix
Mr. Tony McNamara
Mr. David Lowe
Mr. David Keenan
Dr. Mary Horgan
Apologies: Dr. Liz Keane
Dr. Cees Van Der Poel
In Attendance: Mr. Andrew Kelly (CE)
Dr. William Murphy (NMD)
Mr. Michael Healy (SEO)
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 05.10.2004
The minutes of the Board meeting held on Tuesday, October 5th 2004, were adopted on the proposal of Mr. D. Keenan, seconded by Mr. T. McNamara and signed by the Chairperson subject to agreed amendments.
2. Matters arising
The Climate Survey, which finished on Friday, October 8th 2004, showed a response rate of 68%. This is a high response rate. The initial results will be available within two weeks. A presentation on the Climate Survey will be given at the December Board meeting.
The Steering Group met to finalise the Patient Outcome Analysis report. A meeting with the IMB to close out this project will take place on Thursday, October 14th 2004.
3. Correspondence
4. Chief Executives Report
The report was noted.
5. Revised Code of Conduct for Board Members
The revised Code of Conduct was reviewed by the Board and a number of changes made. It was agreed that this item would be discussed further at the December Board meeting. Representatives from Matheson Ormsby Prentice, who were instrumental in drafting the updated Code, will be invited to attend for this item.
6. Strategic Plan
Mr. A. Kelly gave a presentation on the Strategic Plan and a copy of the presentation was circulated to Board members. It is expected that the plan will be finalised before the end of October. The Business Review Group will be attending a Risk Management workshop on October 21st 2004 and the outcomes from this workshop will be included in the Strategic Plan. The Chief Executive invited comments and suggested that Board members might like to provide feedback to him before the next meeting of the Board.
Ms. M. McGrath, Chairperson, thanked the Chief Executive and all those involved in the formulation of the Strategic Plan. The Plan was an important initiative for the IBTS in moving forward, setting out the direction the IBTS will pursue over the next 5 years, the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead and aligning business plans with budgetary provisions. The finalised plan will be circulated to all Board members before the November Board meeting.
7. Development of Cork Centre
The interim accommodation is working effectively. The refurbishment of the clinic is complete and it re-opened on 11th October 2004. The existing laboratory area is being refurbished and this is scheduled for completion by 15th November 2004.
8. Finance Committee
Mr. Noel Murphy, Acting Director of Finance, gave a presentation to the Board on the accounts for the first six months of 2004.
The presentation focussed on the re-alignment of margins on blood products, together with the effect sales volumes had on the financial situation during this period. The presentation also updated the Board on the projected surplus for the year and potential variances during the second half of the year.
9. Minutes of MAC Meeting 15th June & 14th July 2004
The minutes of the MAC 15th June 2004 and 14th July 2004 were noted. The operation of an Ethics Committee in the IBTS was discussed. The National Medical Director is to investigate the possibility of setting up an Ethics Committee in line with the type of committee used in St. Jamess Hospital. The National Medical Director will revert to the Board in December 2004 on the matter.
10. Any Other Business
Proposed Meeting with Minister for Health & Children
Ms. M. McGrath, Chairperson, is proposing to meet with the new Minister for Health and Children, Ms. Mary Harney, before the next Board Meeting. It was suggested that the new Minister might be invited to visit the National Blood Centre in Jamess Street. The agenda for the meeting with the Minister will include the filling of vacancies on the Board and the building of the Cork Centre.
11. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Board will take place in the MRTC at 1.30pm on November 10th 2004.
Signed: . .. Date: .