19th February 2008 - Board Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of theBoard of the Irish Blood Transfusion Service held on Tuesday 19th February 2008at 2.00 pmin the Boardroom, National Blood Centre, James's Street, Dublin 8.


Ms Maura McGrath (Chairperson)

Dr Mary Cahill

Ms. Margaret Mullett

Dr Robert Landers

Mr David Lowe

Mr Gerry ODwyer

Mr Sean Wyse

Ms Jane OBrien

Mr David Keenan


Mr Mark Moran

Dr Margaret Murray

Cees van der Poel



Also in attendance:               Mr. Andrew Kelly, Chief Executive

Dr William Murphy, National Medical Director

Mirenda ODonovan, Secretary to theBoard


The Board recorded its sympathy to the Chief Executive and his family on the recent death of his father.  The Chairperson also expressed her thanks to Mr Wyse for chairing the previous meeting in her absence.

1.                 Minutes of the meeting of  15th January 2008

The minutes of the meeting of the Board of 15th January 2008were agreed subject to amendment and were proposed by Dr M Cahill and seconded by Mr David Keenan.

2.                 Matters arising

Progesa Stabilisation Project

This project is now one week behind schedule.  MAK invited the CE and NMD to Paris for a meeting, but this has now been cancelled.


The CE has spoken to the DOH&C but has not written to the DOH&C yet on this matter.

The CE briefed the Board on a legal case that has been settled.

3.                 Chief Executives Report

Blood supply

The blood supply has remained very strong since Christmas.  The IBTS has not just met, but has exceeded collection targets. 


A tissue inspection was due to take place earlier this month, but this was cancelled due to the unavailability of the IMB.  A meeting took place with the Mater to discuss the cardiovascular tissueSLAand most of the difficulties have been addressed. 

HR Issues

The Labour Courthearing took place on 1st February.  A judgment is not expected until after Easter. 

St Jamess Hospital

Board offsite day

The Board offsite day is scheduled for 14/15th April.  The CE will make arrangements and revert with a programme for the Board.

Legal matters

It was agreed that the Finance Committee would keep a watching brief on legal cases and brief the Board twice a year.  It was agreed that the DOH&C be notified of the cost to the IBTS of settling the most recent case and that reimbursement be sought.


The CE briefed the Board on an incident which occurred in New York on 7th February. 

4.                 Presentation on Quality & Compliance


The Director of Quality & Compliance presented an overview of quality and compliance activities for 2007.  The Board thanked her for her detailed and informative presentation.


5.         Minutes of MAC meeting11th December 2007


The minutes were noted.  Dr. Cahill confirmed that the Terms of Reference for the MAC had been discussed at the meeting today and a revised Terms of Reference would be submitted to the April Board Meeting for approval.  Dr. Cahill also noted that expanding the KPIs set by MAC will have manpower implications. 

Dr. Cahill reported on the first part of presentation by Dr. Joan Fitzgerald on Review of Clinical Services in the NBC.  It was agreed that this presentation would be brought to a future meeting of the Board.

Dr. Cahill noted that the MAC had discussed the recent media coverage on the IMB inspection in Cork and Dublin.

6.         Minutes of the Audit Committee7th November 2007


The minutes were noted.  The Board agreed to the circulation of DRAFT Audit Committee minutes in the future given the length of time between meetings so that the Board would be up-to-date on all issues discussed in a more timely manner.

A copy of the Terms of Reference for the Audit and Compliance Committee were agreed by the Board and signed by the Chairperson.

It was noted that the Clinical Risk Register had been completed.


7.         Presentation on Key Performance Indicators!


            This item was deferred until the April Board meeting.


8.        CorkCentre


The CE noted that as of todays date the memo to Government had not been put forward by the DOH&C.  It was agreed that another letter should be sent to the Minister for Health & Children outlining the Boards concern and urging that the memo would be presented to Government as soon as possible.


9.         Correspondence


            Correspondence to the Chairperson was noted.


10.       Date of next meeting


The next meeting of the Board will incorporate the strategic away day for the Board.  It was agreed that the Secretary to the Board will contact all members with a date and location for both the Strategy Day and Board meeting.

Signed: __________________________                  Date: ____________________